Stay in Touch
The New Zealand Schools’ Foundation was established to build an alumni network for those involved with NZSDC competitions and help support schools debating in New Zealand and the work of NZSDC.
The Foundation would love to reach out to all alumni to get involved. The Foundation has a database of New Zealand Schools' Debating alumni, to which the Foundation sends periodic newsletters. The most recent copy of the Points of Information newsletter can be found here (April 2024).
If you would like to receive the alumni newsletter, please fill in the form here. It will provide regular updates regarding regionals, Nationals and the New Zealand team at Worlds each year, as well as other important updates about schools debating in New Zealand.
Contact Us
The current Trustees are Jonathan Scragg (Chair), Brooke Kinajil-Moran and Jenna Raeburn.
Please find below the contact details for the Foundation for any other enquiries. We would love to hear from all alumni who want to get re-connected.
Email: foundation@debating.org.nz
Phone: +64 22 095 8494
Get Involved
Debating makes a significant difference to the lives of students across the country by allowing them to express themselves openly in a public forum and developing their public speaking skills for later life.
The Foundation seeks the support of all former schools debaters and friends of schools debating. By becoming a Friend of the Foundation, you are able to support schools’ debating in the way that best suits you. Several tiers of friendship are available (see below).
To join, deposit the amount you would like to contribute into the bank account 03-0502-0637829-00, then email the Foundation and let us know that you have done so at foundation@debating.org.nz. The Foundation is a Registered Charity (CC42751), so your contribution is tax-deductible in New Zealand. We will send you a receipt for this purpose.

- Acknowledgement in Nationals Programme, Newsletter, and NZSDC Website (if desired).

Gold Friend of the Foundation: $200
- Acknowledgement in Nationals Programme, Newsletter, and NZSDC Website (if desired).
- Invitation to the Grand Final of Nationals as a Distinguished Guest.

Friend of the Foundation: $75
- Acknowledgement in Nationals Programme, Newsletter, and NZSDC Website (if desired).

Platinum Friend of the Foundation: $500+
- Acknowledgement in Nationals Programme, Newsletter, and NZSDC Website (if desired).
- Invitation to the Grand Final of Nationals as a Distinguished Guest.
- Invitation to the Nationals Championship Dinner as a Distinguished Guest.